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日本三菱 MGC 二氧化碳产气袋




Capnophilic cultivation

AnaeroPack- CO2 are CO2 generator for Capnophilic cultivation.
Only to open the aluminum pack and to put white sachet into the container. No need to add water. No need to use catalyst.

for Jar / AnaeroPack-CO2

Use with anaerobic Jars or W-Zip Standing Pouch with Petri Dish Rack.
Use 1 sachet for 2.5-liter jar.

Composition change of the gas caused by AnaeroPack-CO2

This type of AnaeroPack produces a CO2 concentration of about 5%.

*The sachet generates about 5 % of CO2 and promotes growth of capnophiles (e.g. Hemophilus sp., Neisseria sp. etc.).
*Usable for searching the responsible bacteria of RTI, such as Streptococcus sp. And Branhamella catarrhalis. It is also reported that S.pneumoniae, S.milleri group grew better than candle Jars.


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