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美国MOBIO 强力土壤DNA大量提取试剂盒(PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit)



PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit


For efficiently isolating microbial DNA of high quality and purify from large quantities of soil - great for samples with low microbial load
Description Catalog # Price
10 preps 12988-10 N/A


- Purifies DNA from 10 g soil in 30 minutes - means NO time spent on multiple small sample processing

- Increases detection sensitivity on samples with a low microbial load

- Provides high quality DNA that is free of PCR inhibitors including humic substances

- Purified samples are suitable for PCR and QPCR


The PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit is our next-generation kit designed for processing large quantities of any soil or environmental sample with high or low microbial load. Based on reagents from the PowerSoil® DNA Isolation Kit, the PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit uses our novel, patented Inhibitor Removal Technology® to remove PCR inhibiting compounds, including humic substances, and the brown color often associated with soil DNA. The kit is ideal for environmental samples that contain high humic substance content, including compost, sediment and manure. PCR analysis has been used to amplify DNA purified from microorganisms including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus anthracis), fungi (e.g. yeasts, molds), algae, and actinomycetes (e.g. Streptomyces).

The PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit increases your ability to study microbial diversity in even the most difficult sample types, such as those which contain high humic levels or low microbial load. Our 50 ml Vortex Adapter for cell lysis and a centrifuge capable of spinning 50 ml tubes are required for maximum performance.

Sample Kit

Click to try a sample.

Research and Development

High Yield, Intact Genomic DNA

Total genomic DNA was isolated from 8 different soil samples using the PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit. 0.75 µg of each isolated DNA was analyzed on 1 % TAE agarose gel and ethidium stained. M = Marker DNA. Soil types are identified in the table below.

One microliter of total genomic DNA isolated using the PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit was PCR amplified using primers to the Bacillus spp. Amplified DNA was analyzed on 0.8% TAE agarose and ethidium stained. The amount of PCR fragment produced in each sample is representative of the relative amount of the template sequence in the purified DNA. Different soil sources will have different types and amount of organisms providing genomic DNA. N = Negative control lacking template. P = Positive control template. Soil types and amount are identified in the table below.

One microliter of total genomic DNA isolated using the PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit was PCR amplified using primers to the Streptococcus spp. DNA was analyzed on 1 % TAE agarose and ethidium stained. The amount of PCR fragment produced in each sample is representative of the relative amount of template sequence in the purified. Different soil sources will have different types and amount of organisms providing genomic DNA. N = Negative control lacking template. P = Positive control template. Soil types and amount are identified below.

Sample Lane Type Amount processed (grams)
1 Iowa corn field 10
2 So. California strawberry field 10
3 Cardiff estuary sediment 10
4 Carlsbad lagoon sediment 10
5 Home compost 5
6 San Diego City compost 5
7 Commercial potting mixture 2.5
8 Commercial peat moss 2.5

PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit
Click over image to enlarge






Format Silica Spin Filter Tubes
Method Bead Beating
Sample Size Up to 10 grams
Binding Capacity Up to 1 mg per filter
Throughput 1 - 24 samples
Time 30 minutes
Equipment Required Vortex and Centrifuge

Soil Samples Tested  
Aquifer Sediment Manure
Clay Marine Sediment
Fecal Intestinal Tract Oil-saturated Soil
Forest Potting Soil
Fungal Mat Sand
Loam Sewer Sludge


Storage Conditions

Store at room temperature for up to 2 years.


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