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美国ZYMO RESEARCH-Quick-DNA Viral Kits

Quick-DNA Viral Kits

The Quick-DNA Viral Kits are viral DNA purification kits that provide for the rapid isolation of high-quality viral DNA from a wide range of biological sources. These viral DNA purification kits uniquely designed buffer is included for the efficient denaturation of viral particles in whole blood (fresh and stored), plasma, serum, tissue, ascites, cultured cells, and from liquid samples. With these viral DNA purification kits, DNA can be eluted with elution buffer or water and is suitable for subsequent PCR, nucleotide blotting, and restriction endonuclease digestion procedures.

Quick-DNA Viral Kit

D3015 / D3016

The Quick-DNA Viral Kits are viral DNA purification kits that provide for the rapid isolation of high-quality viral DNA from a wide range of biological sources. A uniquely designed buffer...

Quick-DNA Viral 96 Kit

D3017 / D3018

The Quick-DNA Viral Kits are viral DNA purification kits that provide for the rapid isolation of high-quality viral DNA from a wide range of biological sources. A uniquely designed buffer...

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