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美国ZYMO RESEARCH-Quick-DNA Urine Kit D3061

The Quick-DNA Urine Kit is an innovative product designed for easy, reliable, and rapid isolation of cellular and/or cell-free DNA from up to 40 ml of urine. The product features a uniquely formulated urine DNA stabilization reagent that also functions as a precipitation reagent. After collection, total (cellular and cell-free) or cell-free urine can be stored at ambient temperature for up to one month by adding the Urine Conditioning Buffer. When ready to extract the urine DNA, just add the Clearing Beads, vortex, and centrifuge to collect the precipitate. Following precipitation, chemical lysis and enzymatic digestion are used to extract DNA from the precipitate. The DNA is subsequently purified and concentrated using Zymo-Spin IC-S Columns. Urine DNA isolated with the Quick-DNA Urine Kit is ideal for qPCR, array, methylation analysis, and other downstream applications. 



  • Purify cellular and/or cell-free DNA easily and reliably from up to 40 ml of urine.
  • Uniquely formulated urine conditioning reagent allows stabilization of DNA in urine for up to 1 month at ambient temperature.
  • Zymo-Spin column technology ensures DNA is ready for all sensitive downstream applications including qPCR, DNA sequencing, arrays, and DNA methylation analysis.


Applicable For All sensitive downstream applications such as qPCR and Next-Generation sequencing.
Equipment Centrifuge, microcentrifuge, and heat block/bath.
Processing Volume ≤ 40 ml
Purity Typical A260/A280 ≥ 1.8
Sample Source Urine
Sample Storage Eluted DNA should be stored at ≤ -20°C.
Size Range 100 bp - 23 kb
Type Total DNA including cfDNA
Yield Up to 5 µg total DNA can be eluted into ≥ 10 µl. 6 - 1000 ng/ml for healthy females. 2 - 20 ng/ml for healthy males.


Cat # Name Size
D3061 Quick-DNA Urine Kit 50 Preps
公司电话:010-65945597/65919547    传 真:010-65919547   E-mail:biogenro88@126.com
宝杰罗新网站:宝杰罗生物科技有限公司    京ICP备08004776-1    京公网安备110105010393