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美国ZYMO RESEARCH-Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Kits

Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Kits

The Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Kits are plant DNA isolation kits designed for the simple, rapid isolation of inhibitor-free, PCR-quality DNA from a variety of plant sample sources including leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit, seeds, etc. The procedure of these plant DNA isolation kits is easy and can be completed in minutes: plant samples are rapidly and efficiently lysed by bead beating with our state of the art, ultra-high density BashingBeads. Polysaccharides, lipids, and polyphenols/tannins are removed from the DNA using our Zymo-Spin technology included in these plant DNA isolation kits. The eluted DNA from these plant DNA isolation kits is ideal for downstream molecular-based applications including PCR, arrays, etc.


Catalog #



Elution Volume

New Column


Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Miniprep Kit

25 µg

50 µl



Quick-DNA Plant/Seed 96 Kit

5 µg

50 µl

96-Well Plate

Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Miniprep Kit


The Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Miniprep Kit is a plant DNA isolation kit designed for the simple, rapid isolation of inhibitor-free, PCR-quality DNA from a variety of plant sample sources including leaves,...

Quick-DNA Plant/Seed 96 Kit


The Quick-DNA Plant/Seed 96 Kit is a plant DNA isolation kit designed for the simple, rapid isolation of inhibitor-free, PCR-quality DNA from a variety of plant sample sources including leaves,...

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