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Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kits

The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kits are viral DNA/RNA purification kits that provide for rapid isolation of high-quality viral nucleic acids from a wide range of biological sources. These viral DNA/RNA purification kits can be used to successfully isolate from cell-free body fluids, as well as cellular suspensions. These viral DNA/RNA purification kits have been rigorously tested and used to isolate viral nucleic acids from samples containing enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, HIV, HCV, influenza A virus, flaviviruses, measles virus, parainfluenza virus and parvovirus (a ssDNA virus). The viral DNA/RNA purification kits employ a single buffer system that facilitates viral particle lysis and allows for subsequent DNA/RNA binding. The nucleic acids are washed and then eluted with DNase/RNase-Free Water. The eluted DNA and RNA are suitable for use in various subsequent procedures, including RT-PCR.



Catalog #

Binding Capacity


Elution Volume

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit


50 µg


35 µl

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral 96 Kit


10 µg

96-Well Plate

10 µl

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead


10 µg

Magnetic Beads

50 µl

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit

D7020 / D7021

The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit is a fast viral DNA/RNA purification kit for viral DNA and RNA from plasma, serum, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine, blood, saliva and any other...

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral 96 Kit

D7022 / D7023

The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral 96 Kit is a fast viral DNA/RNA purification kit that provides rapid, large scale isolation of high-quality viral DNA and/or RNA from a wide range of biological...

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead

R2140 / R2141

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead kit is a viral DNA/RNA purification kit designed for high-throughput purification of viral DNA and/or RNA from plasma, serum, urine, cell culture media, blood, saliva, cellular suspensions,...



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