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9233291 Magnet, stop position, cover, BR8000 575.00
9233298 Toothbelt, X-drive, P3xx0 575.00
9233299 Toothbelt, X-drive, P3xx1 575.00
9233329 Belt, tooth, X-drive, BR8000 1,380.00
9233334 Solenoid Valve, 5-fold 15,420.00
9233335 Valve, pressure relief, dispenser,BR8000 4,140.00
9233339 Valve, throttle 1,670.00
9233373 Spring, gas-driven, cover, BR8000 8,110.00
9233375 Prssure retaining valve for Washer Mod. 2,740.00
9233426 Capillary, dispenser head, BR8000 (8pcs) 575.00
9233429 Valve, magnet, dispenser, BR8000 9,310.00
9233430 Belt, tooth, Z-drive, BR8000 575.00
9233431 Belt, tooth, handler z, BR8000 575.00
9233443 Valve, dry way, auto vac, BR8000 17,260.00
9233452 Coupling, X motor, BR8000 575.00
9233455 Ring, straining, pressure sensor 1,380.00
9233456 Ring, centring, pressure sensor 575.00
9233457 Flange, pressure sensor 1,520.00
9233466 Coupling, CPC, inline, male, 6mm 575.00
9233477 8 Wash Head 19,180.00
9233576 Label, Biorobot3000 575.00
9233630 Mousepad BR 01/10 (WW) 575.00
9233674 Probe, ceramic coat., 0.4mm, 158mm 3,990.00
9233721 Rack for Biovue Cards (holds 6 cards) 4,740.00
9233726 Rack for Murex Reagents GE 14/15 (P1/3) 575.00
9234262 Frame, cooling, BR3000, 0 4,260.00
9234321 Power supply, 24V, BR8000 31,470.00
9234385 Pump, dispenser, BR8000 11,470.00
9234406 Valve solenoid, 5-fold, 0 7,480.00
9234433 Boundary, SIS, rigth 2,460.00
9234434 Boundary, SIS, left 2,320.00
9234458 Coupling, CPC, screw, male 575.00
9234461 Coupling, CPC, inline, female, 6mm 575.00
9234462 Coupling, CPC, inline, male, 8mm 575.00
9234463 Coupling, CPC, inline, female, 8mm 575.00
9234466 Clamp, rubber, adapter plate, HS shaker, 2,140.00
9234469 System Liquid Bottle (Rotor) 575.00
9234541 Pumphead click'n'go; HSPS; BR3/9604 40,920.00
9234552 Connector, tubing, 1/8 in to 6 mm tubing 575.00
9234657 Board, X-CPU, non-CE 21,390.00
9234659 Cassette, HSPS, click'n'go 1,810.00
9234663 Fuse T6,3A 575.00
9234673 X-Assembly Turntable Card 7,790.00
9234677 Board, shaker, non-CE 4,880.00
9234678 Reader Power Supply Board 4,880.00
9234679 Rack for Murex Reagents VK54/55,VK 2,460.00
9234680 Rack for Reagents, Plastic block 40 h 879.00
9234691 Sealing ring, pressure relief valve, dis 575.00
9234695 Manual WinRufas 2.2 (CD) 1,240.00
9234696 Manual Hardware Plato 1/3/4 1,670.00
9234697 Manual Hardware Plato 7 575.00
9234698 Manual WinRufas 2.5 (CD) 575.00
9234699 Mikrowin 575.00
9234701 Mikrowin Kinetic Software 54,210.00
9234702 Mikrowin Agglutination Software 54,210.00
9234703 Mikrowin data reduction software, upg. 43,360.00
9234712 Board, level sensor, BR8000 v1.02 3,500.00
9234735 Manual, user, hardware BR3000 US 4,740.00
9234760 Manual, user, hardware BR3000 int 4,740.00
9234763 cable, flat band, 1500 mm 684.00
9234807 Trough Lid Digene 1,470.00
9234820 Manual, user, QS 4.0, Int 1,520.00
9234821 Manual, user, QS 4.0, US 1,520.00
9234850 LapLink 2000, full version, English 21,230.00
9234851 LapLink 2000, host version, English 5,360.00
9234852 Card, ISDN, Fritz PCI 8,550.00
9234853 Modem, analoge ELSA 5,030.00
9234855 Lid coupling piece for washer liquid 814.00
9234856 Tubing coupling piece for washer liquid 575.00
9234857 Lid coupling pieces (2x) for waste cont. 575.00
9234858 Toubing coupling piece (washer tubing) 759.00
9234859 Tubing coupling piece waste station tub. 759.00
9234860 Tubing coupling piece for system liquid 629.00
9234861 Lid coupling piece for system liquid 575.00
9234862 System liquid container (2l Nalgene) 1,280.00
9234863 Washer liquid container (9l Nalgene) 11,610.00
9234873 ZLVPipetting Station for 2 microtit. 9,480.00
9234887 T-piece, vacuum tubing, connector 575.00
9234888 Vacuum manifold, 6s seal 575.00
9234889 Vacuum manifold, 96 seal 1,080.00
9234941 Incubator Tower (65°C) Board DINCS 9,310.00
9234957 Coupling CPC Screw-in, Female 575.00
9235052 Splashing Cover , Wash Station RCS 1,210.00
9235054 Incubator Tower (65°C) Board 18,630.00
9235094 Z-Rack Packing Material Blue 575.00
9235105 Manual, user, hardware BR8000 Int 3,200.00
9235106 Manual, user, hardware BR8000 US 3,200.00
9235114 Fuse FST4A, v1.00 575.00
9235115 Fuse F6,3A, v1.00 575.00
9235117 Fuse F4A, v1.00 575.00
9235118 Fuse F1A, v1.00 575.00
9235119 Fuse F3.15A, v1.00 575.00
9235120 Fuse T5A, v1.00 575.00
9235121 Fuse T2,5A, v1.00 575.00
9235122 Fuse T1A, v1.00 575.00
9235161 Zylinderstift rostfrei 2 h8 x25 575.00
9235190 Motor, clamp, shaker plate,  BR8000 9,310.00
9235253 Trough-Rack spezial 4,570.00
9235255 T-piece, HSPS tubing, connector 575.00
9235273 Bottle, condensate, auto vac, BR8000 8,860.00
9235275 Filter, condensate bottle, auto vac, BR8 1,360.00
9235277 Board, HS shaker, BR8000 19,860.00
9235280 Tubing,pump outlet,auto vac,BR8000 v1.00 575.00
9235282 Grease, long term 922.00
9235283 Oil, lubrication, food-grade 1,080.00
9235294 Seal, rotary shaft, 10 x 16 mm 857.00
9235295 Sound absorber (muffler) 911.00
9235296 Capillary, Dispenser head, Mounting Tool 174.00
9235297 Plunger tip, syringe 250µl 575.00
9235298 Plunger tip, syringe 500µl 575.00
9235299 Plunger tip, syringe 1.0 ml 575.00
9235300 Plunger tip, syringe 2,5ml 1,020.00
9235330 96-well Centrifuge Adaptor 2.01 4,260.00
9235332 Z-Rack Packing Cover 575.00
9235474 Microplate adapter, 384-well plate 6,030.00
9235523 Needle cleaning assembly P/N 4567-01 174.00
9235538 Teaching Tool 1,490.00
9235572 Shaker Tool, RCS1 3,440.00
9235591 Kabelverteiler upgradekit 922.00
9235626 Lead Screw Nut, MP Holder LH, Shaker8000 2,320.00
9235642 High-speed shaker unit, BR8000 69,930.00
9235646 Connector, Board, HS shaker, BR8000 v1.0 2,320.00
9235690 Cable X-Main, RCS1 1,670.00
9235692 Incubator Cable, RCS1 1,350.00
9235693 Power Cable, RCS1 1,180.00
9235695 Ground Wire, RCS1 662.00
9235698 Cable 24V, RCS1 662.00
9235699 Power Cable, RCS1 662.00
9235700 Power Cable 24V, RCS1 965.00
9235701 Cable 5V, RCS1 662.00
9235702 Cables, Shaker, RCS1 3,040.00
9235703 Arm Cable, Flat, RCS1 8,250.00
9235707 Washer Cable, RCS1 2,460.00
9235760 Seal, O-ring, 3mm 575.00
9235773 Reagent Holder, 2-trough, 20 ml 4,460.00
9235790 Ramp, Locking, Drawer, BR8 RD 1,090.00
9235791 Spring, Coach, Drawer, BR8 RD 684.00
9235931 Splashing guard, BR8 RD 575.00
9235962 Used tip slide 2.02 1,340.00
9236107 Flange Tool 6,240.00
9236108 Manual, User, English, Plato 3 1,670.00
9236114 O-Ring, Coupling, RoboVac, BR8 RD v4.2 575.00
9236120 Runner, Drawer, BR8 RD 575.00
9236126 QIAGEN Multiwell-Plate Holder , silver 6,130.00
9236142 Disposal Chute, straight, BR Rapid Plate 9,850.00
9236143 RS232 Bypass Tool 174.00
9236147 Disposal Chute, side, BR Rapid Plate 9,850.00
9236148 Locator Plate, 384 well, BR Rapid Plate 2,820.00
9236149 Locator Plate, 96 well,pos 4-5,BR RP 1,380.00
9236150 Locator Plate, 96 well&Reservoir,BR RP 1,400.00
9236151 Locator Plate, 96 well,pos 2,BR RP 1,400.00
9236152 Locator Plate, Tips, BR Rapid Plate 1,400.00
9236153 Locator Plate, Tips, pos 2, BR RP 1,400.00
9236154 Online Fill Pump RP 92,810.00
9236155 Tool, calibration, syringe, RapidPlate 228.00
9236156 Tool, calibration, vertical, RapidPlate 228.00
9236157 User manual, RapidPlate 466.00
9236158 Pot. , syr. or vert. , kit, RapidPlate 2,890.00
9236159 Motor, rotary, repl. kit, RapidPlate 3,990.00
9236160 Potentionmeter, rotary, kit, RapidPlate 2,890.00
9236161 Lubricant, pressure grease, RapidPlate 228.00
9236162 O-Ring, replacement kit, RapidPlate 4,430.00
9236163 Spill resistance upgrade kit, RapidPlate 3,200.00
9236164 Syringe block, repl. kit, RapidPlate 140,780.00
9236165 O-ring, lubrication kit, RapidPlate 2,760.00
9236166 Safety shield, RapidPlate 9,620.00
9236239 Elution Microtube Adapter, Type B 4,460.00
9236242 O-Ring, Drawer, BR8 RD 575.00
9236264 Elution Microtubes Adaptor, inject mold 3,040.00
9236300 Gasket, auto vac, top BR8000 v1.00 955.00
9236322 Air Solenoid 2,460.00
9236323 Pinch Valve 2,460.00
9236324 Fan, LiquiChip 1,670.00
9236325 Sample Valve 5,360.00
9236326 Sheath Pressure Sensor 5,940.00
9236327 PMT 29,460.00
9236329 2-Way Valve (Sheath or vent) 3,500.00
9236331 U-Block 47,180.00
9236332 Compressor 13,270.00
9236333 Sample Loop 4,140.00
9236334 Green LSR 88,570.00
9236335 Sensor Distribution Board 6,720.00
9236336 Analog Board 41,090.00
9236337 Digital Board 5,650.00
9236338 Quick disconnect Set 3,680.00
9236345 Red LSR 14,500.00
9236346 1.5A Fuse LiquiChip 607.00
9236347 250mA Fuse sensor distribution Board 607.00
9236348 62mA fuse sensor distribution Board 846.00
9236349 375mA Fuse sensor distribution Board 607.00
9236350 Pressure Regulator, 10 Psi 1,980.00
9236351 Tubing, Valve to injection needle 3,200.00
9236352 Tubing, Valve to Pump 4,430.00
9236353 Tubing Sample Needle to 3-Way Valve 3,990.00
9236354 Rear Air Filter 1,060.00
9236355 Sample Needle, short 2,460.00
9236356 Sample Needle, long 2,760.00
9236357 Sample Holder Large, 1.5ml 846.00
9236358 Sample Holder Small, 1.2ml 870.00
9236359 Sheath Filter with Quick Disconnect 1,460.00
9236360 Syringe Cylinder with Seal 2,890.00
9236361 Alignment tube XYP 1,670.00
9236362 Fuse 2A, 250VAC, Fast Acting 846.00
9236363 Reservoir XYP 1,460.00
9236364 Sheath Filter 1,060.00
9236365 Filter Fan XYP 846.00
9236407 Storage Platform TW I, microplate 57,650.00
9236408 Storage Platform TW I, deep well 57,650.00
9236409 Plate Stacker TW I, microplate 7,740.00
9236410 Stacker, deepwell, TWI 7,740.00
9236411 Fingers, deepwell, kit, TWI 2,990.00
9236412 Fingers, landscape, kit, TWI 2,990.00
9236413 Storage Pod TW II 57,650.00
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