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9239543 Assy, XY, Slotted Optical Switch 1 846.00
9239544 Assy, XY, Slotted Optical Switch 2 846.00
9239545 Assy, Power Supply, Mounting, XY 4,880.00
9239546 Assy, Power Inlet, Mounting, XY 1,460.00
9239547 Flag, X Stop, XY 607.00
9239548 Flag, Y Stop, XY 607.00
9239549 StrainReliefCable,1/2,Hole,Plastic(20) 5,210.00
9239550 StrainReliefCable,1/4,Hole,Plastic(20) 607.00
9239551 Cbl Assy, XY, LED Driver 846.00
9239552 Cbl Assy, Controller Driver to RTD Adapt 607.00
9239553 Digital PCBA (1.5.7 Firmware) 9,790.00
9239554 ZLV EX Digital PCBA (1.5.7 Firmware) 6,420.00
9239555 PCBA, Laser Driver, Unlimited 6,420.00
9239556 Assy,Kit,Retrofit,LaserDriverBoardUnlim 8,860.00
9239558 Spring, XYP Torsion Door (Set of 5) 1,060.00
9239559 PowerSupply,ChsMt,100W,4DP,Coherent 16,340.00
9239560 Assy, Optics with Coherent Laser 198,840.00
9239561 Assy,Kit,Retrofit,Coherent-intoLX100 224,790.00
9239562 Assy, Fan Mounting, 60 CFM (Coherent) 3,040.00
9239563 Assy,Kit,Retrofit,HoriCompressorMnt 2,460.00
9239565 xMAP Alignment Microspheres 1,810.00
9239566 Packaging, LX100 Optics Platform 3,040.00
9239568 Needle, W-Drive, DISU, BR8, v2.0 11,010.00
9239569 BR Universal, PM Agreement 44,550.00
9239570 BR Universal, Premium Agreement 144,360.00
9239571 BR Universal, Basic Agreement 88,750.00
9239572 BR Universal, Full Agreement 103,380.00
9239573 #Warranty PLUS 2, BR Universal 215,540.00
9239812 Holder strap, VacTrap, BR8 814.00
9239850 Adapter, XYP to LC200 1,220.00
9239851 Cover, LC200 3,040.00
9239852 Foot bumpers,  v2.0 (4) 217.00
9239853 Foot, complete, v2.0 (4) 846.00
9239854 Sample holder Small, 1.2ml , v2.0 700.00
9239855 Compressor, v2.0 7,160.00
9239856 Pneumatic Cylinder, v2.0 9,150.00
9239957 EZ1, PM Service 11,710.00
9239958 BR M48, PM Service 33,170.00
9239959 EZ1, Premium Agreement 36,090.00
9239960 Upgrade App., BR MDx DSP Tube-Ring PCR 12,120.00
9239962 Upgrade App., BR MDx DSP CTM 48 PCR 14,210.00
9240046 Thermostate unit, 220V, 1.04 87,960.00
9240047 Thermostate unit, 120V, 1.04 87,960.00
9240097 Re-Installation, BR 12,810.00
9240098 Re-Installation, BR EZ1 3,820.00
9240099 Re-Installation, BR M48 6,940.00
9240100 Re-Installation, BR M96 6,940.00
9240101 Re-Installation, BR MDx 12,810.00
9240102 Re-Installation, LiquiChip 6,590.00
9240103 Re-Installation, BR MDx DSP 12,810.00
9240195 Holder, click'n go cassettes, HSPS 3,350.00
9240240 Collet nut, TR 435.00
9240241 Housing, disposable tip adapter, TR 2,850.00
9240242 Connector, disp. tip adapter drive, TR 1,090.00
9240243 Brushes, with spring (2), TR 867.00
9240244 Cap, brushes, TR 315.00
9240245 Tool, collet wrench, TR 228.00
9240346 Autopure, Full Agreement 199,940.00
9240347 Autopure, Basic Agreement 169,700.00
9240348 Autopure, Premium Agreement 279,920.00
9240349 Autopure, PM Agreement 88,140.00
9240372 QIASymphony SP, Installation 12,810.00
9240374 QIASymphony SPAS, Installation 24,240.00
9240377 QIAcube, Installation 5,200.00
9240378 Autopure, Installation 30,490.00
9240435 USB Memory Stick, i-Disk Tiny, 512 MB 585.00
9240499 Reagent Pump, AP 159,350.00
9240500 Fluidic Valve, Reagent Pump, AP 9,480.00
9240501 PM Kit, AP98 57,580.00
9240502 PM Kit, AP96 74,680.00
9240503 PM Kit, AP196 64,600.00
9240504 PC-104, AP98 334,590.00
9240505 PC-104, AP196 114,520.00
9240506 Monitor, 17", Flat Panel, AP 24,710.00
9240507 Software & Std. Protocols, AP196 4,850.00
9240508 Software & Std. Protocols, AP98 3,580.00
9240509 Hard Drive, Programmed, Win XP, AP196/98 12,050.00
9240510 Cable Kit, PC104, AP196/98 23,060.00
9240511 CPU Update, Jaguar, AP196/98 173,320.00
9240512 Keyboard, Standard, AP 3,200.00
9240513 Mouse, Standard, AP 3,830.00
9240514 CD R/W, AP196/98 8,550.00
9240515 I/O PCB, Main Board, AP196/98 7,800.00
9240517 Cable, Dual, USB transition, AP196/98 3,550.00
9240518 Communication Module, RS232-485, AP196 16,170.00
9240519 Motor Assy, Capper U/D, AP98 54,680.00
9240520 Motor Assy, Sz. 17, Common, AP98 50,550.00
9240521 Motor Assy, Shaker, AP98 93,450.00
9240522 Motor Assy, Reagent Pump, AP98 50,840.00
9240523 Cable, Motor, Axis #0, Dispense, AP98 13,730.00
9240524 Cable, Motor, Axis#1, Capper U\D, AP98 19,080.00
9240525 Cable, Motor Axis #2, Elevator, AP98 12,210.00
9240526 Cable, Motor Axis #3, Capper I/O, AP98 11,770.00
9240527 Cable, Motor, Axis #4, Shaker, AP98 12,370.00
9240528 Cable, Motor, Axis #5, TR, AP98 15,730.00
9240531 Cable, Motor, Axis #7, Pump U/D, AP98 14,670.00
9240532 Cable, Shaker Encoder, AP98 8,550.00
9240533 Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, CapU/D, AP96 41,840.00
9240534 Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, Shaker AP96/196 41,840.00
9240535 Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, Pump, AP96/196 40,770.00
9240536 Motor Assy, SiNug, 17, All, AP96/196 40,770.00
9240537 Controller N2, SiNug, AP96/196 63,390.00
9240538 Cable Assy, SiNug, Mtr-Control, AP96/196 3,940.00
9240539 Cable Assy, Home Sensor, SiNug, AP96/196 11,510.00
9240540 Right Angle Con., SiNug, Motor, AP96/196 2,890.00
9240541 Plate, Controller Mount, SiNug Upgrade 3,990.00
9240542 Lower Header, Capper Head, AP196 16,960.00
9240543 Lower Header, Capper Head, AP96 14,670.00
9240544 Centrifuge, 5810RA, Eppendorf, AP196/98 445,030.00
9240545 Hatch pad, Eppendorf, AP196/98 2,160.00
9240546 Motor, Shutter Door, Eppendorf, AP196/98 18,010.00
9240547 Motor, 230V, Eppendorf, AP196/98 63,220.00
9240548 Motor Cap Repair, Eppendorf, AP196/98 3,830.00
9240549 Imbalance PCB, Eppendorf, AP196/98 4,570.00
9240550 Adaptor Board, Eppendorf, AP196/98 15,260.00
9240551 Main PCB, Eppendorf, AP196/98 62,760.00
9240552 Freq. Conv., PCB, Eppendorf, AP196/98 65,960.00
9240553 Cable, PC-104 to Eppendorf, AP196/98 7,160.00
9240554 Bucket Grease, Eppendorf, AP196/98 2,590.00
9240555 Motor Cover, Rubber, Eppendorf, AP196/98 3,010.00
9240556 Shutter Door Assy, Eppendorf, AP196/98 27,940.00
9240557 Resistor, Brake, Eppendorf, AP196/98 2,760.00
9240558 Temp sensor, Bowl, Eppendorf, AP196/98 11,910.00
9240559 Temp sensor, Cond., Eppendorf, AP196/98 7,940.00
9240560 Rotor/Buckets, Eppendorf, AP196/98 92,090.00
9240561 Control Pad, Eppendorf, AP196/98 62,910.00
9240562 Fuse, PCB, 315, Eppendorf, AP196/98 1,410.00
9240563 Fuse,PCB, 630, Eppendorf, AP196/98 1,460.00
9240564 Fan, Condenser, 230V,Eppendorf, AP196/98 13,500.00
9240565 Fan, Motor, 230V, Eppendorf AP196/98 11,890.00
9240566 Shutter Rim Mount, Eppendorf, AP196/98 3,500.00
9240567 Driven Gear, Centrifuge Locator, AP96 14,060.00
9240568 Centrifuge Locator Cylinder, AP96 15,880.00
9240569 Drawer Slide,Full Ext, Centrigue, AP96 48,230.00
9240571 Belleville Washer, AP96 641.00
9240572 Rotor w/Buckets, Sorvall, AP96 65,070.00
9240573 Centrifuge RT-7, Sorvall, 115V, AP96 179,440.00
9240574 Micro-Lynx w\speedbaord, AP98 61,550.00
9240575 Cable/Sensor,Purge Bottle, X26, AP96/196 6,590.00
9240576 Cable Assy, Capper, X51,CCW, AP96/196 7,320.00
9240577 Cable Assy, Capper, X52 CW, AP96/196 7,320.00
9240578 Vacuum Switch Assy, Elevator, AP96 7,640.00
9240579 Vacuum Switch Assy, Shaker, AP96 7,320.00
9240580 Cable, Vacuum Airflow Sensor, AP196/98 5,030.00
9240582 Filter, Regulator, AP96 4,570.00
9240583 Regulator, Pressure, Main, AP 4,140.00
9240584 Filter Assembly, Vacuum, AP196/98 5,610.00
9240585 Filter Assembly, Pressure, AP196/98 10,090.00
9240586 Pressure Switch, Pump, AP96 2,350.00
9240587 Vacuum Switch, Pump, AP96 10,240.00
9240588 Vacuum Switch Assy, Capper, AP96 18,330.00
9240589 MAC Valve, 4-Way, Cent. Locator, AP96 5,360.00
9240590 Purge Solenoid, Overflow Jar, AP96/196 11,010.00
9240591 3-Way Mac Valve, AP196/96 3,680.00
9240592 Unload Valve, Vacuum Pump, AP196/98 4,140.00
9240593 Unload Valve, Pump, Pressure, AP196/98 3,990.00
9240594 Timer, Unload Valve, Pump, AP196/98 7,030.00
9240595 MAC Valve, Manifold, Vacuum, AP98 3,990.00
9240596 MAC Valve, Manifold, Pressure, AP98 3,500.00
9240597 Mac Valve Manifold, Assy, AP98 66,110.00
9240598 Brake Cylinder, AP96/196 6,550.00
9240599 1Brake cylinder, Elevator, AP98 6,240.00
9240601 Sensor w/Cable, Reagent Jar, AP96/196 22,290.00
9240602 Sensor, Sick, Waste Btl. Present, AP 14,500.00
9240603 Deck/Waste Overflow Sensor, AP196/98 14,940.00
9240604 Vacuum Flow Sensor, AP196/98 7,790.00
9240605 Pressure Gauge, Digital, AP196/98 14,940.00
9240606 Vacuum Gauge, Digital, AP196/98 14,940.00
9240607 Fiber Optic Sensor Cable, 5M, AP98 9,480.00
9240608 Fiber Optic Sensor, Main unit, AP98 9,620.00
9240609 Fiber Optic Sensor, Sub-unit, AP98 9,620.00
9240610 Hall Effects Sensor, Latch Lock, AP98 8,110.00
9240611 ZLV Hall-Effect Sensor, Capper Spindle, 5,030.00
9240612 Turk Sensor, Waste Bottle Level, AP 11,280.00
9240613 Fuse, 15.0A, FNM, AP96 2,890.00
9240614 Fuse, 0.25A, FNM, AP96 6,240.00
9240615 Fuse, 1.0A, FNM, AP96 3,830.00
9240616 Fuse, 5.0A, FNM, AP96 2,890.00
9240617 Fuse, 2.0A, FNM, AP96 2,890.00
9240618 Fuse, TE5, 1.6A, PCB, AP96/196 1,530.00
9240619 Fuse, TE5, 2.0A, PCB, AP96/196 1,470.00
9240620 Relay, DPST 24VCD, AP96 2,320.00
9240621 Circuit Breaker, 10A, AP196/98 5,360.00
9240622 Circuit Breaker, 8A, AP196/98 5,030.00
9240623 Circuit Breaker, 2A, AP196/98 5,650.00
9240624 Solid State Relay, AP196/98 6,880.00
9240625 Fuse, 6.3amp, 5 X 20 mm, AP196/98 1,530.00
9240626 Fuse, 8amp, 5 X 20 mm, AP196/98 1,810.00
9240627 Fuse, 10amp, 5 X 20 mm, AP196/98 1,980.00
9240628 Fuse, 2amp, 5 X 20 mm, AP196/98 1,300.00
9240629 Supplemental Fuse Pack, AP196/98 2,140.00
9240630 Power Supply, 5VDC 1.5 AMP, AP96 5,330.00
9240631 Power Supply, 24VDC 2.4 AMP, AP96 7,410.00
9240632 Power Supply, 48VDC 4.0 AMP, AP96 16,180.00
9240633 Power Supply, International, AP97 2,540.00
9240634 Power Supply, Main PCB, Aztec, AP196/98 78,340.00
9240635 Filter, EMI,Modular, RJ45, AP196/98 3,610.00
9240636 Power Entry Module, AP196/98 2,890.00
9240637 UPS, 240 Volt, AP 93,850.00
9240638 Opto Sensor, Reagent Pump, AP 3,350.00
9240639 Opto Sensor, Common, AP 2,890.00
9240640 Opto Sensor, Interlocks/Latch Lock, AP 3,350.00
9240642 Cable Assy, Proteinase K Pump, AP196/98 7,270.00
9240643 Downtube, PK Pump, AP196/98 2,090.00
9240644 External BCR, Metrologic MS9521, AP 17,880.00
9240645 External BCR, Metrologic, MS6720, AP 30,300.00
9240646 External BCR, 2D, HHP, AP 36,360.00
9240647 Internal BCR,  MS-3 CCD, AP196/98 44,920.00
9240648 Cable, Barcode, MS-3 CCD, AP196/98 1,160.00
9240649 Internal BCR, Keyence, BL-601, AP196/98 69,910.00
9240650 Cable, Barcode, Keyence BL601, AP196/98 8,860.00
9240651 Internal BCR, Keyence, BL-180, AP96/196 39,450.00
9240652 Vacuum Pump, Gast, 120V, AP96 30,390.00
9240653 Pressure Pump, Gast, 120V, AP96 31,430.00
9240654 Vacuum Pump, Gast, 220V, AP97 31,630.00
9240655 Pressure Pump, Gast, 220V, AP97 4,190.00
9240656 Rebuild Kit, Gast Pump, AP96 6,420.00
9240657 Pump, Pressure, Jun-Air, AP 57,580.00
9240658 Pump, Vacuum, Jun-Air, AP 56,970.00
9240659 Rebuild Kit, Pump, Jun-Air, AP 48,860.00
9240660 Block, Plastic, QC, AP96/196 17,560.00
9240661 Nozzle Kit, Dispense Head, AP 22,150.00
9240662 Ferrule, Yellow, Flangeless, AP 965.00
9240663 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Black, AP 1,220.00
9240664 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Red, AP 1,220.00
9240665 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, White, AP 1,220.00
9240666 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Cream, AP 1,220.00
9240667 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Green, AP 1,220.00
9240668 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Blue, AP 1,220.00
9240669 Male Quick Disconnect, AP 1,700.00
9240670 Reservoir, 1000ml, AP96/196 21,890.00
9240671 Reservoir, 500ml w/cap, AP96/196 10,360.00
9240672 Kerk Nut, Common, AP 3,830.00
9240673 Kerk Nut, Capper Up/Down, AP196/98 6,590.00
9240674 Clamp Kit, Sensor, Reagent Jar, AP96/196 3,350.00
9240675 Tee, Barbed, Plastic, AP96 1,230.00
9240676 Bimba Cylinder, Latch Lock, AP98 3,040.00
9240677 Bumper, Round, Latch Lock, AP98 1,530.00
9240678 Bimba Rotary Actuator, AP 13,340.00
9240679 Bimba Rotary Actuator, Magnetic, AP96 14,550.00
9240680 Spill Tray, Shaker,Modified, AP 22,150.00
9240681 Dump Tray, Overflow Control, AP96/196 36,860.00
9240682 Dump Tray, Overflow Control, AP98 48,880.00
9240683 Spring, Elevator Pickup Head, AP196/98 1,390.00
9240684 Pogo Stick Kit, AP196/98 9,790.00
9240686 Autodrain, Kit, Water Trap, AP196/98 2,790.00
9240688 1/4-28 Nylock nut, AP 1,170.00
9240689 Jam nut, Shaker Bimba, AP98 1,210.00
9240690 Bearings, Lead Screws, AP 1,740.00
9240691 Shoulder Bolt, Spindle Retainer, AP 2,640.00
9240692 Fan, 12Vdc, PC-104 cover, AP196/98 6,720.00
9240693 Actril Sterilant & Test Strips, AP 9,790.00
9240695 Needle Valve, Flow Control, AP196/98 3,200.00
9240696 Fitting, Barbed, 1/4" ID tube, AP 1,240.00
9240697 Adaptor, Waste Drain, AP 3,550.00
9240698 Cap, Waste Bottle, Modified, AP 3,680.00
9240699 Ring, Waste Adapator, AP 11,160.00
9240700 Tubing, Waste, 1 1\4", AP 1,570.00
9240701 O-Ring, Shaker, Lower Body, AP96/196 1,230.00
9240702  O-RIng, Shaker, Main Body, AP96/196 1,290.00
9240703 O-Ring, Valve, Reagent Pump, AP 1,530.00
9240704 Nipple, Suction Cup, AP 14,670.00
9240705 O-ring Kit, Capper, Spindle, AP 1,300.00
9240706 O-ring Kit, Shaker, AP 2,320.00
9240707 Suction Cup Kit, AP 7,160.00
9240708 Filter, Vacuum, 40 Micron, AP196/98 1,810.00
9240709 Filter, Pressure, 5 Micron, AP196/98 1,810.00
9240710 Filter, Pump, Jun-Air, Inlet/Outlet, AP 2,760.00
9240711 Muffler, Manifold, AP98 1,410.00
9240712 Muffler, Elevator Brake, AP196/98 1,390.00
9240713 Poly Muffler Kit, AP96/196 1,810.00
9240714 Contact Blade Kit, Capper, AP 8,390.00
9240715 Lead Screw Assy, Capper U\D, AP96 17,560.00
9240716 Lead Screw Assy, Capper U\D, AP196/98 10,090.00
9240717 Lead Screw Assy, Axis 5, TR, AP 69,640.00
9240718 Tool, Calibration Weight, 20g, AP 1,810.00
9240719 Cable Carrier, Capper, Elevator, AP 6,880.00
9240720 Cable Carrier, Tubing, Dispense Head, AP 7,260.00
9240721 Cable Carrier, Bar Code Scanner, AP 5,820.00
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